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Writer's pictureRaymond David

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights law designed to protect individuals with disabilities from discrimination based on their disability status in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. In the context of education, Section 504 ensures that students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities and services offered by public schools and other institutions receiving federal funds.

Key aspects of Section 504 include:

Broad Definition of Disability: Section 504 has a broader definition of disability compared to IDEA, potentially covering any student with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.

504 Plan: Eligible students under Section 504 may receive accommodations through a 504 Plan, which is less comprehensive than an IEP but specifies the accommodations necessary for the student to access the educational environment effectively.

Reasonable Accommodations: Schools must provide reasonable accommodations to level the educational playing field and remove barriers for students with disabilities. These can include adjustments in the way things are typically done to enable students with disabilities to participate fully.

Non-Discrimination: Section 504 prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities and ensures their equal participation in school programs and activities.

Procedural Safeguards: It provides parents and students with the right to due process, including the right to appeal decisions and a review process concerning the student's education.

Section 504 plays a critical role in ensuring that students with disabilities receive appropriate educational modifications and services to succeed in school environments alongside their non-disabled peers.

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